Secretary Hillary Clinton Cites WaterSHED as Science and Technology Innovator
Speaking on World Water Day, March 22nd, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spotlighted the success of USAID's WaterSHED program for its work supporting the manufacture and marketing of ceramic water filters in Cambodia
TerraClear Promotes Ceramic Water Filters with Bicycle Tour in Laos
TerraClear, WaterSHED’s partner in Laos, launched an innovative marketing campaign with the first Bike for Life event in Khammouane Province, Laos. Provincial officials, including Deputy Governor Somchay Phetsinoune, joined TerraClear staff for a 180-km bicycle tour
Building a Factory, Building a Family – Ceramic Water Filter Production in Cambodia
Meet Haley, Shannon, and Stephanie – three of WaterSHED-Asia’s recent interns. They spent a packed week exploring our water and sanitation marketing... Read More
USAID and WaterSHED Launch Hydrologic Water Filter Factory in Cambodia
On October 1st, RDMA and USAID-Cambodia jointly announced the opening of Hydrologic Inc., a social enterprise manufacturing ceramic water filters in Cambodia. Hydrologic is the first social enterprise launched through RDMA's WaterSHED program. Over 125 people participated in the factory's grand opening
Hydrologic Presents at Social Investor Forum in Singapore
WaterSHED partner, Hydrologic Social Enterprise, was the focus of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy’s 2010 Global Young Leaders Program... Read More